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Taking GoodSteps into 2017

We are gearing up for exciting things to come in 2017, but first wanted to provide an update on our second round of quarterly checks that were just sent to our giving partners, MANA Nutrition and the Atlanta Community Food Bank! The positive and tangible impact these gifts will have continues to confirm our belief in our mission based on the power of shopping On Purpose.

MANA Nutrition: Our fourth quarter check will allow MANA to provide 558 days worth of nutritional packets to severely malnourished children around the world. A severely malnourished child needs to eat 3 nutritional packets a day for up to 56 days, meaning together we provided the funding to save 10 CHILDREN from severe acute malnutrition last quarter! MANA recently let us know that our first check was used to pay for 15 cases (2,250 packets!) on a container ship headed to South Sudan with Samaritan's Purse to help address an emergency need for product.

Atlanta Community Food Bank: Our fourth quarter check will enable ACFB to provide 1,863 meals to hungry children, hardworking families and struggling seniors throughout Georgia. As you can see in the attached pictures, in addition to our ongoing financial commitment to the Food Bank, we have enjoyed several opportunities to serve as volunteers and just this week had a blast sorting and boxing up 9,869 pounds of product in their product rescue center!

Thank you so much for your support, for directing these dollars to our partners and for helping us #takegoodsteps! We hope you are enjoying your GoodSteps products and that you find some satisfaction in knowing your purchase has helped others in need. If so, please help us spread the word!

 You Buy. We Fund. They Do. On Purpose.

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